Murray Basin Rail Upgrade - Stage 2


Customer: V/Line

Contract: Construct Only

Location: Victoria, Australia

Transport Solutions Australia

Fast Facts

  • 500 km of rail regauged
  • 30,000 tonnes of ballast placed
  • 80,000 timber sleepers replaced
  • 37 turnouts removed
  • 21 active level corssings and 250 gravel crossings installed
  • $16 million invested in regional economies

In joint venture we constructed Stage 2 of the Murray Basin Rail Project. The Federal and State Government funded project opened up new rail transportation pathways from the north of Victoria to the ports in the south, improving freight logisitics and taking trucks off rural roads.

The project involved upgrading 87 km and standardising 400 km of rail track that services the Murray Basin region including restoring the track condition to its underlying track class and speed rating.

Works included gauge conversion from broad to standard, track and sleeper replacement, bridge and culvert replacements, installation of level crossings, and signalling works.

Over 680 personnel were used on the project at its peak and no other comparable rail construction project undertaken in Australia has reached the levels of production achieved by our team.

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