The Beauty World Station Project


Customer: Land Transport Authority (LTA)

Contract: Design & Construct

Location: Singapore

Transport Solutions South East Asia

Fast Facts

  • 2,000 m of segmentally lined bored tunnels of 5.8 m internal diameter
  • Twin slurry TBMs used, with production peaking at 420 m in one month
  • 290,000 m3 of excavation (60,000 m3 of rock)
  • Controlled blasting used in urban environment
  • Approximate 80,000 m3 of RC Works
  • 997 No. Secant Bored Piles
  • Major temporary traffic diversions (10 different stages)

This LTA contract entailed the design and construction of two MRT tunnels, a new underground station including station entrances, subway links, architectural finishes and external landscaping.

The new station links commuters from the north western part of Singapore to the Marina Bay area, and also doubles as a civil defence shelter.

The project formed part of the overall Downtown Line Stage 2 (DTL2) scheme, to link commuters from the Bukit Timah corridor to the North East Line, North South Line and Circle Line.

Our innovative method of removing an existing 33-year-old Pedestrian Overhead Bridge in two sections, concern for public safety and potentially major traffic disruption secured the award of the extended contract.

Our team was consistently recognised for their impressive safety culture and management record, including being awarded:

  • A Certificate of Merit and a Certificate of Participation for Safety Management and Promotion of Safety Practises at the LTA Annual Safety Awards held in 2010
  • First prize in the 2011 Land Transport Authority's Annual Safety Award Convention.
  • Winner of the Safety and Health Award Recognition for Projects (SHARP) award at the 2011 Workplace Safety and Health Awards
  • A Green and Gracious Builder Award (Excellent Category) from the Building and Construction Authority


The team was also awarded a Green and Gracious Builder Award (Excellent Category) from the Building and Construction Authority in recognition of its environmental and sustainability efforts throughout the project.


Project Gallery