McConnell Dowell Code of Business Conduct

15 1.7 BREACHES OF OUR CODE E veryone is accountable for their own behaviour. If a breach of the Code has occurred, the nature of any disciplinary or corrective action will be determined in consultation with appropriate experts, including Human Resources and Legal. Corrective action will depend on the seriousness of the breach and other relevant circumstances. McConnell Dowell will comply with its Whistleblowing Operating Standard and Whistleblowing Procedure in this regard. An example of legal action may be the requirement to recover the McConnell Dowell Group assets. B reaches which constitute criminal conduct may also result in criminal prosecution. If the breach includes a violation of the law, the matter may be referred to the appropriate law enforcement authorities. REFERENCES: • Whistleblowing Operating Standard • Whistlieblowing Procedure discussions with supervisors or managers about desired behaviours suspension a verbal or written warning dismissal change in duties referral to external law enforcement authorities EXAMPLES OF DISCIPLINARY ACTION INCLUDE: