McConnell Dowell Code of Business Conduct

52 MCCONNELL DOWELL CODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT 5.4 SOCIAL MEDIA Social media is a big part of most of our lives. Although using social media may feel casual and spontaneous, activity is permanently retained and can be traced back to you. As an employee, you are a representative of the McConnell Dowell Group so any comments you make via social media may also negatively reflect on the Group and bring the company into disrepute. This includes making defamatory comments or unauthorised statements on McConnell Dowell’s behalf. We want you to make good decisions and avoid activity that could result in negative consequences for you or the Company, such as criticism by external parties, personal information theft or disciplinary action by the Company. Social media activity includes writing or replying to posts, liking, sharing information, photographs, images or videos and linking to other websites and documents. We want you to make good social media decisions and avoid activity that could result in negative consequences REFERENCES: • Communication Operating Standard • Communication Procedure